Rasayana Chikitsa
Benefits from Rasayana Chikitsa
Rasayana Chikitsa increases ojas (life's vitality) and sattva guna (mental/spiritual clarity), balance the humors tridosha (vata, pitta, kapha) and preserves rasa, the vital fluid produced by digestion, which sustains life, leading to enhanced protection. Some important rasyanas are chyavanaprash, agastya rasayana, drakshadi lehya, ashwagandhadi rasayana and brahma rasayana. These rasayanas are made from herbs such as amalaki (gooseberry, a powerful rejuvenative herb), haritiki, triphala, bhringaraja, ashwagandha, punarnava and chitraka.
Procedure Involved in Rasayana Chikitsa
Four and a half months are needed to complete a Kutipraveshika. Former to the main treatment Snehana, Swedana and Sodhana should be done. About two months will be required for these procedures. One month should be spent in the shelter with management of Rasayana followed by one month’s Pathya (discipline). It will take next fifteen days for the person to come back to healthy state.
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