गुरुवार, 22 सितंबर 2011

Vrishya Chikitsa

Vrishya Chikitsa Treatment

Vrishya Chikitsa or vajeekarana chikitsa, one of Ayurveda Ashtang, refers to Ayurvedic aphrodisiac therapy. It has the as a rule respected side in Ayurvedic treatment. Vrishya chikitsa is the best way of growth of sukra dhathu, or the reproductive tissues of the body. Ayurveda as an old medical science considers mentally and physically strong offspring as the trap pebbles of a good physical shape opportunity society. So, the standard aim of Ayurvedic treatment Vrishya Chikitsa is expected at the birth of healthy children.

Benefits from Vrishya Chikitsa
Vrishrya Chikitsa as ayurvedic treatment is essential for good health. It helps in increasing the will power, intellect and memory, in addition to a healthy body. It strengthens body tissues (dhatus) like muscles, fats, bones and blood. Ayurvedic Treatment Vrishya Chikitsa helps in improving the men’s infertility as well as women’s infertility and in improving the sexuality of an individual.

Procedure Involved in Vrishya Chikitsa
The procedures involved in Vrishya Chikitsa are Kayaseka, Dhara, Navarakkizhi treatments and utilization of certain aphrodisiac medicines. The herbs and treatments are intended at improving the condition for men and women. In Vrishya Chikitsa treatment, the individual follows an Ayurvedic direction rigorously, by taking in herbs or herbal combinations which have aphrodisiac properties. Some of the Ayurvedic aphrodisiacs which provide extra sexual power to couples and enable them to give birth to healthy children are Shilajit, Mucuna Pruriens (naikkurana), Aswagandha, and many more.

Rasayana Chikitsa

Rasayana Chikitsa

Rasayana Chikitsa as one of Ayurveda Ashtang is a perfect way to restock your quota of ammunition that utters healthy living and a wonderful journey through life. It summarizes the knowledge of dhatu and steps up your ojas and betters sattva. It assists in sustaining the body equipoise and ameliorates your metabolism. An interesting aspect of this healing procedure is that if you undergo Rasayana Chikitsa treatment, your descendants will also harvest the advantages of its valuable properties. It occupies relaxing oil kneading and exhilarating sauna.

Benefits from Rasayana Chikitsa
Rasayana Chikitsa increases ojas (life's vitality) and sattva guna (mental/spiritual clarity), balance the humors tridosha (vata, pitta, kapha) and preserves rasa, the vital fluid produced by digestion, which sustains life, leading to enhanced protection. Some important rasyanas are chyavanaprash, agastya rasayana, drakshadi lehya, ashwagandhadi rasayana and brahma rasayana. These rasayanas are made from herbs such as amalaki (gooseberry, a powerful rejuvenative herb), haritiki, triphala, bhringaraja, ashwagandha, punarnava and chitraka.

Procedure Involved in Rasayana Chikitsa
Four and a half months are needed to complete a Kutipraveshika. Former to the main treatment Snehana, Swedana and Sodhana should be done. About two months will be required for these procedures. One month should be spent in the shelter with management of Rasayana followed by one month’s Pathya (discipline). It will take next fifteen days for the person to come back to healthy state.

Agada Tantra

Agada Tantra

Agada Tantra, Visha Chikitsaa, is one of the eight branches of Ayurveda in ancient Indian system of Medicine. Poison (Visha) is defined as any material which gains entry into the body (exogenous) or formed in it (endogenous) that is capable of endangering life or that can impair health. Knowledge of the origin, development and toxicity manifestation of accumulated poisons and suitable remedial measures are an integral part of health. Present food habits, life style and mental attitudes etc, are entirely different from the past. The basic essentials of a healthy life such as air, food and water are all polluted and the resultant hazards paint a gloomy picture for the generations to come. The greatest gift we can offer to the new generation is a clean world.

Benefits from Agada Tantra
Agada Tantra as an ayunvedic treatment deals with a range of methods of cleaning the poisons out of the body as well as recommends antidotes for specific poisons. It deals with a wide range of natural toxins originating from wild lives like animals, birds, insects etc., plants including herbs (belladonna, aconite etc.), vegetables, minerals (leads, mercury, arsenal etc.) and artificial poisons prepared from poisonous drugs.

Procedure Involved in Agada Tantra
Agada Tantra holds many procedures as a branch of ayurvedic treatment. Every procedure has unique features. These are applied during agada tantra treatment and teachings students of this course. Agada Tantra holds processes that certain potentially poisonous substances such as mercury and lead can be used as medicines if properly processed under the supervision of ayurvedic scholars and applied in the prescribed dose

Shalakya Tantra

Shalakya Tantra Treatment

Shalakya Tantra, one of ayurveda ashtang, deals with the etiology, diagnosis, prognosis, prevention and cure of diseases which are located above the neck region like the head, ear, nose, eye and throat. Ayurveda Shalakya Tantra treatment is liable for all types of problems in and around the head. In South India, Shalakya Tantra is known as Urdhwangchikitsa. In Shalakya Tantra as ayurvedic treatment, there are different types of probe which are included. Some of them are probe of the eye (netra shalaka), probe of the ear (karna shalaka), probe of the nose (nasa shalaka), of the throat (mukh shalaka) and of the lips (oshta shalaka).

Benefits from Shalakya Tantra
Shalakya Tantra as an ayurvedic treatment is essential for good health. It helps in improving the health of the parts which lie above the shoulders. It cures the diseases completely by providing the strict directions for taking in ayurvedic medicines under an ayurvedic physician. It also provides the gudelines for taking care of ENT and other parts of the body which lie above the shoulders.

Procedure Involved in Shalakya Tantra
Charak Samhita, Sushurut Samhita and Ashtang Samghrah mention the procedures (Nasyam, Dhoomapnam, Gandoosham, Kabalam, Shirodhara, Shirovasthi, Anjanam, Tharpanam, Pratisaranam) involved in Shalakya Tantra describing the general care of the eye and ENT structures. Besides this, Shalakya Tantra has pointed out 25 diseases of the ear, 18 diseases of the nose, 11 diseases of the lips, 1 disease of the lymph glands, 23 diseases of the teeth, 6 diseases of the tongue, 8 diseases of the palate, 18 diseases of the throat-pharynx-larynx and 8 diseases of the oral cavity.

Graha Chikitsa

Graha Chikitsa

Ayurveda is a very ancient medicinal treatment and a combination of eight treatment methods called as Ashtang. Graha Chikitsa is one of Ashtang Ayurveda treatment. Graha Chikitsa Treatment is used to cure the patient who is suffered from mental diseases. Graha Chikitsa deals with the diseases of mind or psychic conditions, which can be caused by mystic forces or attack of some evil spirit. Experts have explained the word bhuta in different ways. According to some experts ‘bhuta’ means ghosts and similar bad spirits who cause abnormal psychological conditions. According to some others, ‘bhuta’ represents microscopic organisms such as virus, bacteria that are not visible to naked eye. In modern terminology, it can be considered as idiopathic diseases in which the exact cause of disease is unknown.

The Aurvedic Treatment Graha Chikitsa also believes in the past karma or deeds as a causative factor of certain diseases. It uses various methods in treatment of a patient. It deals with the causes which are not visible and have no explanations. These are cured by Graha Chikitsa Treatment.

Benefits from Graha Chikitsa
Since Graha Chikitsa believes in past deeds and supernatural elements it tries to cure the patient by using of herbs. Ayurvedic Physician tries to cure the patient by removing supernatural elements and psychiatric problems. Almost all mental problems are removed by using Graha Chikitsa Treatment methods.

Procedure Involved in Graha Chikitsa
There are lots of procedures involved in Graha Chikitsa treatment. At first ayurvedic physician tries to find out the causes of the diseases. He tries to know the back ground of the mental diseases which affected the patient. After knowing the causes and background, he uses various methods to cure the patient.

Kaumara Bhritya--

Kaumara Bhritya------Ayurveda is a very complicated and vast ancient medicinal science. It deals with many kinds of complex ailments and surgeries. Ayurveda is divided into eight diverse categories in order to clearly separate the treatment of one ailment from another. So, Ayurveda is often referred as Astang Ayurveda i.e. the life science with eight branches. The eight branches of traditional medicinal therapy are Kaaya chikitsaa, Graha Chikitsa, S`aalakya tantra, Agada tantra, Rasayan Tantra, Vajeekarana chikitsaa, S`alya tantra and Bala chikitsa.

Kumaraya Bhritya Tantra (Bala Chikitsa) and it deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to Pregnancy, childbirth (delivery) and diseases of children (Pediatrics). The branch of kaumarabhritya is a comprehensive study about the prenatal, postnatal baby care as well as different ailments under the branch of gynecology. This branch of Ayurveda with an aim to achieve a healthy and disease free society, strives for well being of a kid right from its conception.

Benefits from Kaumara Bhritya
There are lots of benefits of Kaumara Bhritya. It takes care of child and the mother very properly. If you are in contact of an ayurvedic physician, he starts to take care very early of the mother and the upcoming child. Kaumarya Bhritya Tantra doesn’t affect any of two either the mother or the upcoming child.

Procedure Involved in Kaumara Bhritya
You can find the procedures and details of Kaumara Bhritya or Bala Chikitsa in the classical writings of Vagbhata, Ashtanga Samgraha and Ashtanga Hridaya. Even, the Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita tell in detail about the Balachikitsa as well as prenatal, natural and post birth care tips. Child health depends on the mental and physical state of the mother. So, it recommends specific diet, routine, nourishment and conduct for women before, during and after delivery. It has been very clearly mentioned that the perfect health of a mother is mandatory for a healthy upcoming child.

Shalya Chikitsa

Shalya Chikitsa

Shalya Chikitsa, an Ancient Ayurveda Indian surgery branch, describes in detail about the pre-operative procedures, general procedures, post-operative procedures, marma's description (vital points) and also about anesthesia. The description of the types of bandages, shastra (sharp instruments), yantras (blunt instruments), and sutures (stitches) has been described in this surgery. This branch of Ayurveda Ashtang deals with treatment of diseases caused by foreign bodies and diseases which need surgical therapies. It is carried out only for diseases, which cannot be cured by medicines.

Benefits from Shalya Chikitsa
Shalya Chikitsa is the best suited, when the difficulty is beyond just remedial repair. In cases such as, Arbuda (abscesses, cysts), Gandamala (enlarged lymph nodes), Mul- vyadhi (hemorrhoids), Gud-bransh (prolapse rectum), Ashmari (stones), Mutravaodh (retention of urine) and stanarog (breast diseases), Shalya tantra Shalaya Chikitsa are used. The ayurvedic treatment Shalaya Chikitsa offers faster relief to the ailing person, and is beneficial in situations, where kayachikitsa will fall short.

Procedure Involved in Shalya Chikitsa
In Shalaya Chikitsa of ayurvedic ashtang, points out the detailed information about the pre-operative procedures, general procedures, post-operative procedures, marma's (significant points) and also about anesthesia. Along with this, Shalaya Chikitsa also narrates the types of bandages, shastra (sharp instruments), yantras (blunt instruments) and sutures (stitches) applied in the surgery. The use of many surgical instruments is also described in the Susruta Samhita for the Shalaya Chikitsa treatment.



Ayurveda is a traditional health science. It is a very systematically designed pathy which is meant for relieving people from their illness. It is about 5000 years old science but even then it had separate particular branches according to the need of the patient and Kayachikitsa is one of them. The word “Kaya” means the body. Kayachikitsa is related to the methods by which body is revived by miseries. It helps in combating with the physical body as well as the subtle body. So, it is more of a psycho-somatic method of ayurvedic treatment.

Kaya Chikitsa essentially deals with the diagnosis and cure of a variety of general diseases, like skin disorders, diabetes, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis and many other disorders. Charaka Samhita is the most important scripture on kayachikitsa. It discusses the basic principles of treatment, various types of therapies and purification or detoxification methods. According to this natural treatment, the body of a person is product of the constant psychosomatic interactions and diseases caused are due to the imbalance caused in the trishods of the body. This imbalance caused in the three doshas of vata-pitta-kapha is sometimes, created by the mind and infrequently by the body's dhatu (tissues) and mala (toxin deposits). It is then that the kayachitikitsa branch of ayurveda comes to assistance.

Benefits from Kayachikitsa
Kayachikitsa treatment helps to be cured from muscular dystrophy, spinal and cervical disorders, severe skin problems such aslike Erythroderma, obesity, thyroid, reproductive disorders, ADHD, severe mental handicap and paralysis. As being of a branch of ayurveda treatment Kayachikitsa has no side effects.

Ashtang Ayurveda

Indian AyurvedaAyurvedic HerbolAyurvedaayurveda : Ayurveda, a Sanskrit word comprises of two words, ayus, meaning 'life' and veda, meaning 'science', thus ayurveda in literal sense means the 'science of life'. It is a system of traditional medicine with its origin in the Indian subcontinent. It has been a popular and influential system of medicine in entire South Asia. The earliest literature of this traditional medicine system is said to have appeared during the Vedic period in India. The most influential of these Ayurveda literatures has been the Sushruta Samhita and the Charaka Samhita. Ayurveda is said to be a fully developed medicinal art with a number of unique and exclusive medicinal therapies and surgical procedures for the treatment of various ailments and diseases.

Eight Branches Of Ayurveda
Ayurveda, being a vast science is divided into eight branches, which are collectively called as Ashtang Ayurveda. Like any other modern medicinal therapies, Ayurveda believes in specialized treatment for different body parts. Thus, the medicinal art have been categorized under branches that deal with psychiatry, internal medicine, treatment of eyes, ears, nose, throat and head, toxicology and gerentorology separately. Ayurveda is the first ever medicine system to categorize pediatrics, aphrodisiacs and surgery as the branches of any medicinal science.

List Of The Eight Branches
  • Kayachikitsa -Internal Medicine
  • Shalya chikitsa -Surgery
  • Bala chikitsa- Pediatrics
  • Graha chikitsa- Bhoot Vidya - Psychiatry
  • Urdhvanga chikitsa-Treatment of eyes, ears, nose, throat and head
  • Damstra chikitsa- Agad Tantra -Toxicology
  • Jara chikitsa- Rasayana- Gerentorology
  • Vrishya chikitsa- vajikarana- Aphrodisiacs

बुधवार, 21 सितंबर 2011



It is the main therapeutic application of Ayurved. This process is specially designed for the body detoxification. It cleans away the vitiated material out of the body. The lifestyle & food habits which do not suit to our body constitution leads to formation & deposition of toxins in the body. This brings out low immunity, low energy & ultimately the diseases. It not only disturbs our daily routine but can also cause our progeny to suffer.
To detoxify our body the following Panchakarma processes are applied. -
The pre Procedure (Poorva Karma) includes Oliation & Sudation of the body.
  • Vaman (Vomiting)
  • Virechan (Purgation)
  • Asthapan Basti (Decoction Enema)
  • Anuvasav Basti (Medicated Oil Enema)
  • Nasya (Errhines)
The post Panchakarma Procedure (Paschat Karma) includes typical diet regimen followed by the Rejuvenation.
Supplementary Panchakarma procedures:
  • Pinda swed 
    (Fomentation with medicated Poultice-Useful in Joint pain, Spondylitis, Sciatica..)
  • Massage
     (Oil & Powder Massages-Head, Local & full body massages to relieve toxins from blood & skin. It also relaxes & rejuvenates body by nourishing it.)
  • Shirodhara
     (Continuous pouring of liquid medicine on mid of fore head- Useful to relax nervous system & to gain peace of the mind.)
  • Blood Letting
     (Blood letting with Leeches or Syringes-To take out vitiated humours from blood usually in skin diseases like Eczema, Psoriasis…)
  • Netra Basti
     (Medicated Oil application by making dove around the Eyes-Very useful remedy for increasing eye Power.)
  • Kati Basti
     (Medicated Oil application by making dove around the Lumbo Sacral joint-It gives nourishment to the nerves & beneficial in the spinal diseases.)
  • Hruday Basti
     (Medicated Oil application by making dove around the Heart-Useful remedy in the Cardiac Pain & Coronary Diseases.)
  • Nabhi Basti
  • Shiro Basti
  • Agnikarma



Diet Consultation

According to Ayurved -“The diet which nourishes both the mental & physical built, is a balanced diet.” That is “the food reflects on our body as well as mind.
To maintain a healthy constitution we need balanced food & diet habits. It builds well-nourished tissues & maintains healthy life. The diet should be followed exclusively in diseased as well as healthy states.
Moreover it should be followed according to different seasons & places too. Ayurvedic diet mode is purely based on its effect according to elemental composition of body & food

सोमवार, 19 सितंबर 2011

Massage and Ayurveda Definition

Massage and Ayurveda Definition: Massage can be defined to be a kind of a passive exercise, involving the use of oils and herbal lotions to rejuvenate the body cells. It is a key to good health if practiced on regular basis. Massage helps opening up the skin pores and even removing the dead cells from the body, allowing the skin to feel fresh and comfortable. Massage oil or lotion must b chosen very wisely, according to the season and body requirements.Ayurveda considers Sesame oil to be fit for a massage on the body all the year long. In winters a massage with mustard oil is also recommended. Using mustard oil in summers is not prescribed generally, but to only those people who have regularly been using mustard oil for massages. Massage Techniques: Massage can be done in two obvious ways, the first one beingself massage and the other one involves getting a massage done by some one else. A massage can begin either from the head or from the toe. Generally a self massage begins from the toe, ant then to the legs, hands abdomen and so on to the head at the end. The opposite sequence is generally followed in the case of getting a massage done. First of all oil is applied on the body part to be massaged and then is gently massaged till the oil penetrates into the body completely. The preferred ayurvedic massage technique involves concentrating over the muscles instead of the bones in upward motion strokes being employed. To massage different organs of the bodydifferent finger and palm postures are employed. The person should take a massage empty stomach, early in the morning or in evening. After waiting for about 30 - 40 minutes of the massage washing off the oil is suggested. Massage to the patients suffering from the disorders related to Kapha, or even fever should not get a massage done. It is also not suggested to people who have recently been under taking ayuvedic cleansing therapies. Benefits of a Massage: Correct massaging techniques have a large number of benefits such as: Massage cleanses different toxinsfrom the body channels It provides relief at both physical and mental levels to the body. Massage nourishes the body tissues and thus stimulating the internal functions. Insomnia, exhaustion, weakness of nerves, unhealthy and dry skin, and laziness are healedby Massage. Massage provides lubrication to different mechanisms in the body parts. It stimulates the Agni enzymes, and increases assimilation of foodalong with increases the ojas.


Ayurveda Ayurveda- literally "Science of Life"-is based on the twin principles of wholeness and balance. As a holistic healing tradition, Ayurveda recommends treating the "whole" person- body, mind, senses, emotions and spirit-instead of following the "one-cause-one-cure" principle and focusing on the symptoms of the moment. The premise is that if the roots are nourished and watered, the plant will flourish. Diet, sleep, lifestyle, daily and seasonal routines and internal cleansing are just as, or more, important than herbs and potions in order to maintain good health. And Ayurveda is equally about maintaining or preserving good health as it is about treating disorders - "Swaasthasya Rakshanam" is one of the goals of Ayurveda. Disclaimer: Information provided in these article is for the sole purpose of imparting education on Ayurveda and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician.

शुक्रवार, 16 सितंबर 2011


In Ayurveda diabetes is known
as Madhumeha and is classified
as a kapha type of disorder.
Ayurveda identifies 20 types of
diabetes - 4 die to Vata, 6 results
from Pitta, and 10 are caused by
Some of the most useful Herbs
for the Treatment of Diabetes
are the following:
Bitter Gourd (Momordica
Bael (Aegle marmelos)
Gurmar Leaves (Gymnema
Fenugreek (Trigonella
foenum graecum)
Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Onion (Allium cepa)
Nayantatra (Vinca rosa)
Neem (Azadirachtha indica)
Garlic (Allium sativum)
Sagar gota (Ceasalpinia crista). i prepared a powder for diabetes -the powder is very effective .