सोमवार, 19 सितंबर 2011

Massage and Ayurveda Definition

Massage and Ayurveda Definition: Massage can be defined to be a kind of a passive exercise, involving the use of oils and herbal lotions to rejuvenate the body cells. It is a key to good health if practiced on regular basis. Massage helps opening up the skin pores and even removing the dead cells from the body, allowing the skin to feel fresh and comfortable. Massage oil or lotion must b chosen very wisely, according to the season and body requirements.Ayurveda considers Sesame oil to be fit for a massage on the body all the year long. In winters a massage with mustard oil is also recommended. Using mustard oil in summers is not prescribed generally, but to only those people who have regularly been using mustard oil for massages. Massage Techniques: Massage can be done in two obvious ways, the first one beingself massage and the other one involves getting a massage done by some one else. A massage can begin either from the head or from the toe. Generally a self massage begins from the toe, ant then to the legs, hands abdomen and so on to the head at the end. The opposite sequence is generally followed in the case of getting a massage done. First of all oil is applied on the body part to be massaged and then is gently massaged till the oil penetrates into the body completely. The preferred ayurvedic massage technique involves concentrating over the muscles instead of the bones in upward motion strokes being employed. To massage different organs of the bodydifferent finger and palm postures are employed. The person should take a massage empty stomach, early in the morning or in evening. After waiting for about 30 - 40 minutes of the massage washing off the oil is suggested. Massage to the patients suffering from the disorders related to Kapha, or even fever should not get a massage done. It is also not suggested to people who have recently been under taking ayuvedic cleansing therapies. Benefits of a Massage: Correct massaging techniques have a large number of benefits such as: Massage cleanses different toxinsfrom the body channels It provides relief at both physical and mental levels to the body. Massage nourishes the body tissues and thus stimulating the internal functions. Insomnia, exhaustion, weakness of nerves, unhealthy and dry skin, and laziness are healedby Massage. Massage provides lubrication to different mechanisms in the body parts. It stimulates the Agni enzymes, and increases assimilation of foodalong with increases the ojas.


Ayurveda Ayurveda- literally "Science of Life"-is based on the twin principles of wholeness and balance. As a holistic healing tradition, Ayurveda recommends treating the "whole" person- body, mind, senses, emotions and spirit-instead of following the "one-cause-one-cure" principle and focusing on the symptoms of the moment. The premise is that if the roots are nourished and watered, the plant will flourish. Diet, sleep, lifestyle, daily and seasonal routines and internal cleansing are just as, or more, important than herbs and potions in order to maintain good health. And Ayurveda is equally about maintaining or preserving good health as it is about treating disorders - "Swaasthasya Rakshanam" is one of the goals of Ayurveda. Disclaimer: Information provided in these article is for the sole purpose of imparting education on Ayurveda and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician.