It is the main therapeutic application of
Ayurved. This process is specially designed for the body
detoxification. It cleans away the vitiated material out of the body.
The lifestyle & food habits which do not suit to our body
constitution leads to formation & deposition of toxins in the body.
This brings out low immunity, low energy & ultimately the
diseases. It not only disturbs our daily routine but can also cause our
progeny to suffer.
To detoxify our body the following Panchakarma processes are applied. -
The pre Procedure (Poorva Karma) includes Oliation & Sudation of the body.
- Vaman (Vomiting)
- Virechan (Purgation)
- Asthapan Basti (Decoction Enema)
- Anuvasav Basti (Medicated Oil Enema)
- Nasya (Errhines)
The post Panchakarma Procedure (Paschat Karma) includes typical diet regimen followed by the Rejuvenation.
Supplementary Panchakarma procedures:
- Pinda swed
(Fomentation with medicated Poultice-Useful in Joint pain, Spondylitis, Sciatica..)
- Massage
(Oil & Powder Massages-Head, Local & full body massages to
relieve toxins from blood & skin. It also relaxes & rejuvenates
body by nourishing it.)
- Shirodhara
(Continuous pouring of liquid medicine on mid of fore head- Useful to relax nervous system & to gain peace of the mind.)
- Blood Letting
(Blood letting with Leeches or Syringes-To take out vitiated humours
from blood usually in skin diseases like Eczema, Psoriasis…)
- Netra Basti
(Medicated Oil application by making dove around the Eyes-Very useful remedy for increasing eye Power.)
- Kati Basti
(Medicated Oil application by making dove around the Lumbo Sacral
joint-It gives nourishment to the nerves & beneficial in the spinal
- Hruday Basti
(Medicated Oil application by making dove around the Heart-Useful remedy in the Cardiac Pain & Coronary Diseases.)
- Nabhi Basti
- Shiro Basti
- Agnikarma